Human Patterns
Published on 18 January 2023
You already know these, but it’s difficult to always remember them:
- Buyer’s remorse
- Learned helplessnes
- Imposter syndrome
- Survivorship bias
- Analysis paralysis
- Loss Aversion, Sunk cost fallacy
- Occupied time
- Frequency illusion
- Psychology of Money by Morgan Houssel
- Not being optimistic about future and boosting pessimistic stories and news
- That chauffer example
- Saying “you can say no” to increase the chance of getting them say “yes”
- purchasing w/ someone — tell the other how their experience would get better — say sentence in first person — don’t name the product in the sentence
- Information cascade
- Law of diminishing returns
- Confirmation bias
- Recency bias
- Creeping Normality
- On asking favors
- Choking on performance and unable to recover
- Psychology of Money by Morgan Houssel
- Valet story: You think about yourself in the position of someone you like or be jealous to. You don’t admire the person, rather you want the things he has in you life. This means expensive jewelery, big houses, fast cars don’t give you the attention and respect that you think you’d get.
- People usually don’t take wrong decisions. In retrospect it could look wrong, immoral, or unethical, but they took it because it felt right at the time. So think about it, before pointing a finger at them.
- Everybody needs love — they are doing a lot just to live a normal, mundane life.
- Digital literacy comes in all levels. Not just your grandma, but people at your age could be confused about a feature too
- Don’t go into contrasting the differences between your product and others, let people experience them. Applies to other parts of life too, don’t explicitly tell them of what you did, it’ll make them appreciate more.
- Giving reason on why you thought the need of building this product is fine, but go delve into it. See this early ad for example, they don’t even show their product.